Tokori, Inc.

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Financing a Manufactured Home in Delaware? You'll Need a Foundation Certification

Are you using an FHA or VA loan to finance purchasing a new or new-to-you manufactured home (a.k.a. “mobile home”)?

Most lenders will require a foundation compliance certification, per the guidelines set forth by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The certificate is performed by a licensed professional engineer or architect in the state the dwelling is residing in, and it certifies that the dwelling is anchored to a permanent foundation per the Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing (HUD-4930.3G); set forth by the HUD Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards.

What is involved in a Mobile Home Inspection?

The inspection takes a site visit to inspect the anchorages, piers, and perimeter foundation wall and lasts less than an hour—it can cost between $300 to $500 (depending on complexity and time spent during evaluation). The inspector considers the number and types of tie downs, anchoring, piers, etc., and vets them against the HUD requirements. The certification letter is typically short if the foundation is compliant and will include a brief explanation and the engineer’s signature and stamp. If defects must be addressed, these will be written up—typically as they pertain to the HUD requirements. Common defects in our area include an insufficient number of tie downs, improper support pier construction or placement, or deteriorated components that require replacement. Once these defects are addressed, a reinspection is needed to validate the requirements are satisfied. The lender usually requires this certification prior to underwriting the loan for the home.

 Can I hire any certified home inspector to provide a mobile home inspection?

In short, the answer is no. We have strategically partnered with an engineer to get the foundation of your manufactured home HUD certified. Please note that a home inspector cannot provide this certification—an engineer or architect seal is what the lender requires. Moreover, the foundation inspection usually must be completed before the deadline specified in the purchasing agreement (ten days or less in most cases). We are also mobile home certified and can include a complete home inspection, well testing, etc. to get your closing back on track, just contact us to schedule.